1B.Auto I18n Message
1B.Auto I18n Message
Multinational language (I18n) is a more important feature in the Wings.
- Can be separated and cascaded as Conf
- Dynamic business message with Ii8nString and I18nException
- Consider I18n and timezone together
1B.1.Language and Timezone
The locale and zoneid of the system can be changed at wings startup by the following config, and the empty value means do nothing.
- wings.silencer.i18n.locale=zh_CN
- wings.silencer.i18n.zoneid=Asia/Shanghai
- wings.silencer.i18n.bundle=classpath*:/wings-i18n/**/*.properties
Also, Spring itself has good support for I18N, and can be better engineered with a little customization.
- Auto scan for
config (comma separated paths) - Load separated i18n messages, path priority cascading like auto-config
1B.2.Spring Mechanism
Spring's loading MessageSource is different from that of configuration, and does not require Unicode escaping.
Language configuration starts with spring.messages.basename=messages,basic
, separated by commas. Chars after basename is considered a language tag, which can exist in a variety of formats (do not contain .
, it will be replaced with /
to scan)
- message.properties - must exist, with the default of bundle name
- message_en.properties - Recommend, without country, for all english
- message_en_US.properties
- message_en_US_UNIX.properties
1B.3.Dynamic Message
In addition to the static configuration, wings provides CombinableMessageSource. You can programmatically add I18n messages dynamically, such as loading from database.