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BKB + BoT + SpringBoot

BKB + BoT + SpringBoot

🎉Fast Delivery 🧩Safe Refactor 🍵Low Tech-debt

Project Style 🔖Data/DB Version 💡Property Config 🧭

🥾 WingsBoot

WingsBoot=BKB + BootsOfTravel + SpringBoot. if you've liked Dota, you know.

We advocate defensive programming, May The false Be With You !


It is suitable for growing teams to smoothly achieve business growth, technology evolution, team pulling and business upgrading. The core values are: ① quickly achieve business goals; ② timely repay technical debt; ③ safely refactor programs and business. For example, starting from a single app, to sharding, to micro service and to cloud, the team is able to:

  • Rapidly refactor the business and its code, safely change the data models - strongly typed and defensive style
  • Use git and sql to manage versioning of data and schema - Flywave tool (not Flyway)
  • Trace, review and recover online data changes - logging system and tracing strategy

📦 Tech Architecture

🐵 Mindless Use

Use directly as a parent, occasional SNAPSHOT are available through OSS.

Maven Central  Sonatype Snapshots 


🦁 Hands-on Use

It's recommended that you get your hands on the code to avoid low-level use and failure to achieve the original purpose, even if you have the potential to get it.

GitHub last commit (by committer)  GitHub commit activity  Coverage Status 

## (1) get source code
git clone --depth 1\
## (2) install dependency useing java8
# asdf shell java temurin-8.0.382+5
git submodule update --remote --init
(cd observe/meepo && mvn package install)
(cd observe/mirana && mvn package install)
## (3) install wings using java-21
# asdf shell java temurin-21.0.1+12.0.LTS
mvn package install

🚀 Built on 2024-03-21 88538783d4 Commit