3A.Jackson Convention
3A.Jackson Convention
Conversion of common data types in Mvc server.
3A.1.Common Type Conventions
Given the differences between java and js, data transfer, and functionality, the convention is as follows.
- float number to java.BigDecimal and js.string to pass each other
- java.null not to pass each other in Json
- java.integer, interpass with js.number/string
- java.datetime, including
- java.datetime, in timestamp format with js.number
- java.datetime, in
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
format with js.string - java.timezone, both in ZoneId string format with js.string
- object key cannot be a variable,
3A.2.Lost Precision and Trait
Because of the character of js, there will be precision and character (type, sorting, etc.) loss problems, such as the key of object may lose the original order.
- It is better to have only 2 basic data types in Json: boolean and string
- Js does not handle numeric calculations with precision, and should only be responsible for displaying the results of server-side calculations.
- Due to the special nature of time, there are timezones and daylight saving time, readability is preferred when guaranteeing accuracy
- 53bits of long, must use string, because IEE754 cannot be correctly represented
- integer and long, use number by default, consider typescript compatibility
- Ensure jsr310 format compatibility, e.g. rely on
- ZoneId should prefer
format, e.g.America/New_York
- Serialization and deserialization process with time zone (
) will lose daylight saving time information
Note: The property name prefix cannot be a single letter, Wings recommends more than 3 letters. Because sCount
will lead to parsing errors, see test OkHttpClientHelperTest.testPostBad
3A.3.I18n of Content
Auto apply the locale by annotation and I18nAwarePropertyFilter.
type is automatically convertedCharSequence
annotation is converted as message_code@JsonI18nString(false)
disables auto-conversionI18nMessage
auto apply locale to set messageI18nAware
auto apply locale
3A.4.DateTime Format
Supports the following date format customizations in java.time, including Json and Spring.
- LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, multiple input formats, single output format customization.
- ZonedDateTime, same as
support auto-switching to user timezone, off by default. - OffsetDateTime, same as `Local* support auto-switching to user timezone, on by default
For example, the default configuration of wings-datetime-79.properties in the LocalDate support,
# output in 2021-01-30 format
# input support 2021-01-30 and Jan/30/2021, etc.
# see SmartFormatter.java testcase
3A.5.Number Format
Int,Long,Float,Double,BigDecimal support (Json) customization of output format and rounding format. Note that in the actual project, Float and Double should be avoided and BigDecimal should be used. Within Wings convention, the only commonly Number types should be Int, Long and BigDecimal.
For example, the default configuration of Decimal support in wings-number-79.properties is,
# Keep 2 decimal places, Floor mode
You can also set, according to Chinese custom, every 4 digits separated by _
, add CNY symbol,
# see DecimalFormatTest.java
auto switches between number and string when the JS numeric value exceeds Number.M##_SAFE_INTEGER. By default configuration, auto
is used only for int32 and int64, need to be used with caution, check type or disable auto
3A.6.Empty Data Handling
Exclude the empty dates via configOverride
by default.
- util.Date/sql.Date
- time.LocalDate
- time.LocalDateTime
- time.ZonedDateTime
- time.OffsetDateTime
3A.7.Common Jackson Annotations
- @JsonRawValue - number not to string, string not escaped
- @JsonFormat - specify the format
- @JsonIgnore/JsonProperty - ignore the field
- @JsonProperty - rename the field
- @JsonNaming - naming rules
- @JsonRootName(value = "user") - add a root name
- @JsonUnwrapped - without wrapper class
- @JsonSerialize(as=BasicType.class) - output as other
- @JsonView - filter properties with different views (works on RequestMapping)
Avoid global type filters and mixins in general, session-level annotations are recommended.
- Same pojo, different property names for different scenarios, eg. password and secret
- Same pojo with different values for different scenarios, eg. yyyy-MM-dd and MMM-dd,yyyy
For the above scenarios, it is still important to follow the principles of static and strong typing, and the following suggestions can usually be used
- Own classes, use @JsonView + different getter to distinguish different scenarios
- 3rd classes, using Override subclasses + MapStruct to copy properties
- Custom JsonSerialize or Converter, not recommended
- Custom ResponseBodyAdvice, not recommended
By default configuration, only @JsonView can act on RequestMapping, other annotations should be noted on Pojo. see,
3A.8.Generic in Deserialization
Jackson includes generic types, and parameter types are a necessary skill.
TypeReference ref = new TypeReference<List<Integer>>() { };
// TypeFactory has a rich set of type constructs
JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, Foo.class)