3F.Multiple Caching and Event
3F.Multiple Caching and Event
Based on Cache2k and Hazelcast, Wings provides hierarchical caching, local and distributed caching, and distributed objects.
3F.1.Multilevel Caching
By default, two CacheManagers, Memory and Server, with the following names and implementations, are provided under the JCache convention,
- MemoryCacheManager - Cache2kCacheManager
- ServerCacheManager - such as hazelcast/redis and other
Because the CacheManager has been injected, it will make SpringBoot's auto configuration does not meet the conditions and invalid.
If you have not defined a bean of type CacheManager or a CacheResolver named cacheResolver (see CachingConfigurer), Spring Boot tries to detect the following providers (in the indicated order):
Three different cache level prefixes with a different ttl,idle,size
- program level, lifetime of the program or servicegeneral.
- default configuration, 1 dayservice.
- service-level, 1 hoursession.
- session-level, 10 minutes
A cache with the same prefix will use the same configuration items (ttl,idle,size).
@CacheConfig(cacheManager = Manager.Memory,
cacheNames = Level.General + "OperatorService")
@Cacheable(key = "'all'",
cacheNames = Level.General + "StandardRegion",
cacheManager = Manager.Server)
@CacheEvict(key = "'all'",
cacheNames = Level.General + "StandardRegion",
cacheManager = Manager.Server)
The naming requirements for cacheName are no special characters. currently separated by ~
and ending with !
means Resolve extension,
- https://github.com/cache2k/cache2k/issues/201
- WingsCache - naming rules for specific definitions
Resolve extension means when specifying cacheResolver
and ignoring cacheManager
in the @Cache*
annotation, If cacheNames ends with !
, it will be appended with the full class name, see CacheConst for details. Its use is to unify cache names at the code level, and change them at runtime to the impl class.
@CacheConfig(cacheNames = CacheName, cacheResolver = CacheResolver)
public class WarlockPermServiceImpl implements WarlockPermService
The code shown above has CacheName=WarlockPermService!
and the full class name is a.b.c.WarlockPermServiceImpl
, then the final cache name is WarlockPermService!a.b.c.WarlockPermServiceImpl
3F.2.Multilevel Event
EventPublishHelper provides 3 types of event publishing by default, implementing synchronous/asynchronous/standalone/clustered events,
- SyncSpring - synchronous, within the Spring jvm
- AsyncSpring - asynchronous, within the Spring jvm, using slardarEventExecutor thread pool
- AsyncGlobal - asynchronous, topic-based publish-subscribe mechanism
Note that SpringBoot by default is synchronous and without exception handling, so that it can be well synchronized to handle business etc. SlardarAsyncConfiguration checks this mechanism at startup and will log a Warn if it is broken.
- ApplicationEventMulticaster - the underlying processing mechanism
- AbstractApplicationContext#initApplicationEventMulticaster() - default bean
- AbstractApplicationContext#publishEvent(Object, ResolvableType) - entry
- SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster - default implementation, no TaskExecutor, no ErrorHandler
3F.3.Data CUD Event
jooq-based listener that handles CUD events for specific tables and fields. Posted by default via AsyncGlobal, available for table and field related cache evictions
set via TableCudListener
and wings.faceless.jooq.cud.table
, using RuntimeConf as an example [win_conf_runtime]
, when doing Insert/Update/Delete, the TableChangeEvent with the set field value is published within the cluster.
The following code can be used to listen and process, and the following code is used to clear the cache according to the authentication table changes,
// RuntimeConfServiceImpl.java 137-147
@CacheEvict(allEntries = true, condition = "#result")
public boolean evictAllConfCache(TableChangeEvent event) {
final String tb = CacheEventHelper.receiveTable(event, EventTables, DELETE | UPDATE);
if (tb != null) {
log.info("evictAllConfCache by {}, {}", tb, event.getChange());
return true;
return false;
TableChangeEvent can be triggered automatically by tables and fields in wings.faceless.jooq.cud.table
. It can be triggered manually by injecting WingsTableCudHandler. But if there is an automatic trigger, the manual trigger will be ignored.
Note that the @Cacheable
series of annotations, default enhanced by proxy-based AOP, is only available for proxy objects, the following cases can not access the proxy object.
- Internal calls - methods within a class are called from within the class.
- Inheritance calls -
methods on an interface callabstract
methods. - Static methods - Enhancements cannot be applied to static methods.
The following programming pattern can get the self reference inside the object,
- independent caching component, see
- inject and invoke itself, see
// cache self-invoke
@Setter(onMethod_ = {@Autowired, @Lazy})
protected RuntimeConfServiceImpl thisLazy = this;
// interface method
public <T> T getObject(String key, TypeDescriptor type) {
// @Cacheable method with Cache suffix
return thisLazy.getObjectCache(key, type);