5A.Service Provider
OriginalBatriderProviderLess than 1 minute
5A.Service Provider
Use SpringMvc annotations to provide services and cowork with WebMvc.
5A.1.Provider Convention
- Pure interface and pojo definition the
to avoid Overloading, e.g.HelloContract
are kebab-case, i.e. lowercase hyphens- Contractor
implements thecontract
, such asHelloContractor
- Overloading methods are identified by different suffixes, path is globally unique
- Use only
, disable scanning of@RestController
5A.2.DataType Convention
Data type follow the Json convention of Wings to avoid using complex types and structures.
When pure String is used as body, both Request's consumes
and Response's produces
must use MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE
, which is different from Spring.
5A.3.Contract Style
The contract is available in both Mvc and Rpc styles, both of which can be easily located and understood.
3a.Mvc Style, Root is BasePath
Consistent with the Controller and RequestMapping conventions in wings.
- The basePath on the class is
, i.e. root path or version @RequestMapping
of the method is the full path, starting withSchemaId
@RestSchema(schemaId = "batrider-hello")
@RequestMapping(path = "/")
public class BatriderContractor implements HelloContract {
@RequestMapping(path = "/batrider-hello/say-hello",
method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
public String sayHello(@RequestParam(name = "name") String name) {
return "Batrider: Hello " + name;
3b.Rpc Style, SchemaId is basePath
Easier to locate by IDE association, placing the SchemaId in the contract interface
public interface HelloContract {
String SchemaId = "winx-hello";
String sayHello(String name);
In the implementation, the provider uses the contract's SchemaId directly
@RestSchema(schemaId = HelloContract.SchemaId)
@RequestMapping(path = HelloContract.SchemaId)
public class HelloContractor implements HelloContract {
@RequestMapping(path = "/say-hello",
method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
public String sayHello(@RequestParam(name = "name") String name) {
return "Winx: Hello " + name;