9D1.Jooq Better Practice
9D1.Jooq Better Practice
Wings simplified Jooq with the following conventions and syntax sugar in practice,
9D1.1.Code Generator
Recommend using Warlock3JooqGenerator
, which further encapsulates WingsCodeGenerator
- databaseIncludes - specify the table to generate code based on RegExp
- setGlobalSuffix - add suffix to global objects to distinguish different projects from the same package
- forcedStrCodeEnum - bind varchar and enum types
- forcedIntConsEnum - bind int and enum types
- forcedLocale - bind varchar and locale types
- forcedZoneId - bind int and ZoneId types
- forcedZoneStr - bind varchar and ZoneId types
Warlock3JooqGenerator generator = new Warlock3JooqGenerator();
generator.gen(JDBC, USER, PASS,
bd -> bd.setGlobalSuffix("Warlock"));
The default configuration maps the following types,
- Boolean -
match all fields - Integer -
match all fields - Locale - field
match all types - ZoneId - field
9D1.2.Dao and Dsl
Jooq official examples are in style of importing static Table, injected Dsl, but Wings recommend to start from Dao.
// Complete Setter injection with lombok
@Setter(onMethod_ = {@Autowired})
private WinConfRuntimeDao dao;
// Check table exists
// obtain Table and Dsl from Dao
WinConfRuntimeTable a = dao.getAlias();
WinConfRuntimeTable t = dao.getTable();
DSLContext dsl = dao.ctx();
There are many methods in WingsJooqDaoAliasImpl and WingsJooqDaoJournalImpl
- batchXX - batch insert, merge, update, etc.
- fetchXX - select data by type or automatically
- countXX - count the number of records
- insertXX - insert related
- updateXX - update related
- deleteXX - logical or physical delete
Dsl and Dao are equivalent and both are used below the service layer.
- Dao is used for simple operations, Dsl is used for complex ones
- Dao is more like java, Dsl is more like Sql
- Both explicitly table or alias when there are conditions and fields
- Dsl can getSql, also use Any2Dto turn Sql into Dsl
9D1.3.Accurate Select
Get what you need and receive it with the typesafe pojo or record to ensure strong type.
final WinUserLoginTable t = winUserLoginDao.getTable();
// Dao
dao.fetch(t, 0, 2, t.Id.gt(1L).and(t.CommitId.lt(200L)),
t.Id, t.CommitId,
// Dao lambda
dao.fetch(0, 2, (t, w) -> w
.order(t.Id, t.CommitId, t.Id.desc()));
// Dsl
.select(t.AuthType, t.LoginIp, t.LoginDt, t.Terminal, t.Failed)
.limit(query.toOffset(), query.getSize())
9D1.4.Accurate Update
final WinUserBasisTable tu = winUserBasisDao.getTable();
// Dao map
Map<Field<?>, Object> setter = new HashMap<>();
setter.put(tu.Nickname, user.getNickname());
setter.put(tu.CommitId, commit.getCommitId());
winUserBasisDao.update(tu, setter, tu.Id.eq(userId), true);
// Dao pojo
WinUserBasisTable upo = new WinUserBasisTable();
winUserBasisDao.update(tu, upo, tu.Id.eq(userId), true);
// Dsl
.set(tu.CommitId, commit.getCommitId())
.set(tu.ModifyDt, commit.getCommitDt())
.set(tu.Remark, remark)
9D1.5.Paginate Select
Use PageJooqHelper
or PageJdbcHelper
for paginating queries, Both are optimized for queries and can use the cached total number of records.
total < 0
- DB count and selecttotal = 0
- DB does not count, does not selecttotal > 0
- DB does not count, but select
final WinUserBasisTable t1 = winUserBasisDao.getTable();
// dao dsl
PageJooqHelper.use(dao, page)
.fetch(t1.Id, t1.CommitId)
// wrap query
val qry4 = dsl.select(t1.asterisk()).from(t1).where(t1.Id.ge(1L));
PageJooqHelper.use(dao, page)
.wrap(qry4, order)
9D1.6.Logical Delete
Use WingsJooqDaoJournal
for logical delete, but wings recommends physical deletion.
- dao.delete - by condition
- dao.deleteById - by id
Using JournalJooqHelp
or JournalJdbcHelp
can fire the jooq listener and trigger.
JournalJooqHelp.deleteByIds(dsl, TstShardingTable.TstSharding, 12L, 1L, 2L);
JournalJooqHelp.deleteByIds(tmpl, "`tst_sharding`", 34L, 3L, 4L);
// UPDATE `tst_sharding` SET commit_id=34, delete_dt=NOW(3) WHERE id IN (3,4)
// DELETE FROM `tst_sharding` WHERE id IN (3,4)
9D1.7.Data Diff
Wings can use Trigger to track data changes, but its purpose is to allow fine-grained investigation or recovery of data during periods of business instability. Some business scenarios require external display of data change history, or even code diff-like display of data timelines.
In short, normal and stable business functions should not rely on Trigger and should have independent data structures. The following implementation, depending on the CUD, queries the database sequentially and compares the data differently in the default order.
- JournalDiff - data structure for one or more data diffs
- dao.diffXXX - insert, update, delete data and get the differential data after insertion
- JournalDiffHelper.helpXXX - help diff operation
- JournalDiffHelper.diffXXX - direct diff database operations
- JournalDiffHelper.tidyXXX - tidy up differential data
- wings.faceless.jooq.cud.diff - default ignore for configuration tables
The following is an updated example, for more examples see JooqDslAndDaoSample#test5Diff
// use Dao
Map<Field<?>, Object> setter = new LinkedHashMap<>();
setter.put(t.CommitId, t.CommitId.add(1));
setter.put(t.LoginInfo, "login by diff update");
final JournalDiff d2 = dao.diffUpdate(t, setter, t.Id.ge(id));
// use Dsl
val query = dsl.selectFrom(t).where(t.Id.eq(id));
final JournalDiff d2 = JournalDiffHelper.diffUpdate(t, query, () -> {
.set(t.CommitId, t.CommitId.add(1))
.set(t.LoginInfo, "login by diff update")
.set(t.ModifyDt, now)