B5.Function List
B5.Function List
For more details on function usage, see the [Dictionary Engine Map] for pipeline conventions and function rules.
Both full function names and aliases start with fun:
; if there is no conflict in pipeline, the prefix can be omitted.
The following conventions for describing functions are used in the example,
- Specifies pipeline output, or null if unavailablearg...
- arg is a variable argumentsarg?
- arg can be null&opt
- opt is the default valueString:javaEval
- Return type String, function type is javaEval
The following forms are available to use in the template,
{{ now }}
- use directly{{ index | mod even odd | BIG_SNAKE }}
- pipeline function
B5.1.Type of Date/Time
Focus on Date and time, mainly value and format.
1a.Current Data/Time now
Usage: String:javaEval, output the current date/time in specified format Syntax: fun:now ptn?
- obj - if
, then formatted, - if null or other, use
- ptn - in
format. now
- without parameter, thenyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- without parameter, outputyyyy-MM-dd
- without parameter outputHH:mm:ss
# ptn contains spaces surrounded by quotes
{{ now 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' }}
# output 2021-01-05 10:01:31
// RNA:USE /date/fun:now/
B5.2.Type of Number
Focus on Number, mainly Long and BigDecimal
2a.Modulo and Remainder mod
Usage: String:javaEval, Take MOD(obj, args.length) as index(0-based) to get the index element in args Syntax: fun:mod obj arg... Return: using mod as index, get element in args, then get value from context
- obj - can convert to Number.intValue, take the remainder of arg.length
- Boolean, false=0, true=1
- Number, intValue
- Else, toString then to BigDecimal
- arg - must have value, can be string or number
# index = 3; count = 4;
{{ index | mod even odd }}
{{ count | mod even "" }}
# output odd even
2b.Absolute Value abs
Usage: String:javaEval, Take the absolute value of the number Syntax: fun:abs obj Return: Absolute value in Long or BigDecimal type
- obj - can convert to Number, return Long or BigDecimal
# npi = -3.14; count = 4;
{{ npi | abs }}
{{ count | abs }}
# output 3.14 4
B5.3.Formatting fmt
Formatting object as string
Usage: String:javaEval, use String.printf to format object Syntax: fun:fmt obj ptn Return: String in specified pattern
- obj - any object
- ptn - java's formatting, call String.format(ptn,obj)
# amount = 1000
{{ amount | fmt '$%,d' }}
# output $1,000
B5.4.Type of String
Focus on String
4a.Naming Style
Usage: String:javaEval, Naming style conversion for obj Syntax: fun:### obj arg?, ### is the following function and alias Return: String in specified style
- upperCase - All uppercase, support locale
- lowerCase - All lowercase, support locale
- dotCase -
separated, customizable case, eg. try.do.for - kebabCase, kebab-case -
separated, customizable case, eg. try-do-for - bigKebab, BIG-KEBAB -
separated, all uppercase, eg. TRY-DO-FOR - camelCase - camel, first lowercase, eg. tryDoFor
- pascalCase, PascalCase - Pascal , first uppercase eg. TryDoFor
- snakeCase, snake_case -
separated, customizable case, eg. try_do_for - bigSnake, BIG_SNAKE -
separated, all uppercase, eg. TRY_DO_FOR
Parameter Description,
- obj - String, or toString, null returns empty
- arg - in upperCase or lowerCase, is locale format
- arg - in dotCase,snakeCase,kebabCase, is lower,upper,keep
- others function without arg, no customizable case
# author = try&DO&for
{{ author | upperCase zh-cn }} #output TRY&DO&FOR
{{ author | lowerCase zh-cn }} #output try&do&for
{{ author | dotCase }} #output try.do.for
{{ author | dotCase lower }} #output try.do.for
{{ author | dotCase upper }} #output TRY.DO.FOR
{{ author | dotCase keep }} #output try.DO.for
{{ author | kebab-case }} #output try-do-for
{{ author | BIG-KEBAB }} #output TRY-DO-FOR
{{ author | camelCase }} #output tryDoFor
{{ author | PascalCase }} #output TryDoFor
{{ author | snake_case }} #output try_do_for
{{ author | BIG_SNAKE }} #output TRY_DO_FOR
B5.5.Condition Control
Simple conditional output control.
5a.Output visible see
Usage: String:javaEval, output the first visible value in arg Syntax: fun:see obj arg... Return: The first non-null or non-empty string in arg or obj itself
- obj - any object
- arg - String or other objects
# ctx.put("nil", null);
# ctx.put("empty", "");
# ctx.put("value", "got");
{{ fun:see nil empty value }}
{{ nil | fun:see empty value }}
# output got