0D.DevOps Topic
0D.DevOps Topic
Coding, developing, operating online, and more.
0D.01.getHostName() takes a long time
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() took 5004 milliseconds to respond. Please verify your network configuration (macOS machines may need to add entries to /etc/hosts)
# output trydofors-Hackintosh.local
cat /etc/hosts
# insert trydofors-Hackintosh.local after localhost localhost trydofors-Hackintosh.local
0D.02.How to Create a Project
git clone https://github.com/trydofor/professional-wings.git
cd professional-wings
# compile and run it yourself without bash script
cd cd example/winx-devops/src/test/java
0D.03.Jackson and Fastjson
In wings, as in springboot, jackson is used by default for json and xml binding. However, wings has special conventions for json format, such as date and number are passed as string. When exchanging data with external APIs, the format may not match, so you need to use an alternative solution.
- Use 2 sets of jackson configuration
- Use jackson annotation @JsonRawValue
- Use fastjson2
When using Jackson and FastJson, the following conventions are followed for security and compatibility reasons,
- FastJson is used for ① reading and writing in a secure environment, ② insecure writing, not reading the external json.
- FastJson is used in static environments, i.e. where Jackson cannot be gracefully injected.
- In addition, everyone should use Jackson.
Fastjson has been replaced by Fastjson2 in wings. note the following lib dependencies
- JustAuth-1.16.5 - fastjson-1.2.83 no AutoType, parse with default features
Given the current Fastjson-2.0.18 compatibility and stability is still very problematic and should be avoided.
- FastJsonHelper - internal or transient data, static method
- JacksonHelper - non-web tier, without timezone/i18n auto conversion, static method
- ObjectMapper - web tier, timezone/i18n auto conversion, inject Bean
NOTE: json format has compatibility issues, the following are the diff, see JsonHelperCompatibleTest for details.
- Jackson Default
No outputbyte[]
as base64,[]
as String,[]
parse as2023-04-04T21:07:08Z
lost timezoneOffsetDateTime
parse as2023-04-05T10:07:08Z
lost timezone
- Jackson Wings Help
keep timezoneOffsetDateTime
keep timezone
- Jackson Wings Bean
as"2023-04-05 06:07:08"
as"2023-04-05 06:07:08 Asia/Shanghai"
as"2023-04-05 06:07:08 +08:00"
- Fastjson Default
No output@Transient
as"2023-04-05 06:07:08"
0D.04.Comparison of Bean Mapping
According to the following article, it is recommended to use the static type-safe of MapStruct
While coding, we often have to deal with various O-data mapping and assignment like DTO, PO, VO, POJO. At the same time we want strongly typed data so that IDE hints are efficient and errors are detected at compile time. This must avoid weak typing (map, json) and reflection (bean copy), which inevitably require code generation tools.
For more complex mapping, use expression, qualifiedByName, spring injection. The automatically generated code is located in target/generated-sources/annotations/
In wings, it is recommended to use the column editor or RegExp (talked in video share),
- In the business layer code, we recommend MapStruct or column editing or RegExp replacement to do data mapping.
- In jdbc recommended manual RowMapper, avoid using
. - In jooq recommended jooqgen generated record, currently do not need other mapper.
for using MapStruct, wings have wgmp
and wgme
live template to do A$B
- mapping ofA
- mapping ofA
itself- if inside
The converters in pure wings end with -or
(convertor) to distinguish from other framework converters. Package names are based on the converter, and class names are distinguished by purpose, usually using -or
for pure wings and -er
for others.
According to the following benchmark review of JMH, corresponding to dynamic Mapper can also be considered.
The main comparison includes project activity, usage type, dependency complexity and resolved issues count.
is not activeModelMapper
is too large, not recommended for nowJMapper
performance and use are very good, but the project is not activebull
support bean and map mapping, more active, easy to use, but the performance is general
upgraded java-object-mapper-benchmark dependency to java on the laptop simple execution.
Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Mapper Manual thrpt 25 27226210.883 ± 1350138.859 ops/s
Mapper MapStruct-1.5.3 thrpt 25 23601713.316 ± 1247240.366 ops/s
Mapper Selma-1.0 thrpt 25 24161620.968 ± 923848.147 ops/s
Mapper JMapper-1.6.1.CR2 thrpt 25 19632956.722 ± 963388.556 ops/s
Mapper datus-1.5.0 thrpt 25 13925750.428 ± 670830.594 ops/s
Mapper Orika-1.5.4 thrpt 25 2950142.922 ± 203656.089 ops/s
Mapper ModelMapper-3.1.0 thrpt 25 121694.578 ± 13540.111 ops/s
Mapper BULL-2.1.2-jdk11 thrpt 25 127806.434 ± 12011.688 ops/s
Mapper Dozer-6.5.2 thrpt 25 83840.654 ± 3225.088 ops/s
Mapper ReMap-4.2.6 thrpt 25 505843.993 ± 25950.082 ops/s
0D.05.File System and Object Storage
File resources that require access permissions should not be placed on the CDN, and should be stored in your own object storage or physical file system. When using local FS, you need to be aware of the limit of the number of subfiles, which is usually controlled below 30k, for the following reasons.
- The ext2/ext3 filesystems have a hard limit of 31998 links.
- When the number is too large, reads and indexes are too slow.
If you build your own object storage, the following solution is recommended
0D.06.Client and Server Info
To collect user profiles, parse UA information, use the following,
- https://www.bitwalker.eu/software/user-agent-utils Browser (discontinued)
- https://github.com/browscap/browscap/wiki/Using-Browscap Browser Tool Family
- https://github.com/blueconic/browscap-java Browser (recommended)
To get information about server, use the following,
0D.07.Security of Password
- Do NOT limit the max length of password, generally more than 8 chars
- Support Unicode chars, punctuation, full/half chars, eg. Chinese password
- Do not send in plaintext, simple password hash strategy is md5(pass+':'+pass).toUpperCase(Hex capitalization)
- js side md5 must support UTF8, eg. https://github.com/emn178/js-md5
- Secure data request must be https or other secure channel
0D.08.NAT and Oauth Debug
When debugging third-party integrations such as Oauth, payments, etc., you need to have a public ip or domain to forward public requests to the development machine for debugging.
- Temporarily with ssh -
ssh -R 9988: user@remote
- persistent with frp - https://gofrp.org/docs/
- Simple with netapp - https://natapp.cn/
0D.09.IDEA Hits Component/Scanned
When importing the Wings project, IDEA cannot be able to handle the WingsAutoConfiguration in spring.factories, and will report a message similar to the following,
Not registered via @EnableConfigurationProperties, marked as Spring component, or scanned via @ConfigurationPropertiesScan
At this point, in the Project Structure/Facets/spring, for each main project import Code based configuration
, select WingsAutoConfiguration.
0D.10.Hidden NullPointerException in Jooq
When mapping enum types in jooq, if the converter is wrong, the following NPE may occur, and the problem cannot be located by stack, and need to analyze the SQL
at org.jooq.impl.DefaultExecuteContext.exception(DefaultExecuteContext.java:737)
at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jooq.JooqExceptionTranslator.handle(JooqExceptionTranslator.java:83)
at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jooq.JooqExceptionTranslator.exception(JooqExceptionTranslator.java:55)
at org.jooq.impl.ExecuteListeners.exception(ExecuteListeners.java:274)
at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:390)
0D.11.Input length = 1
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:resources
(default-resources) on project xxx-common: Input length = 1
The reason is that there are non-text files (not readable by string) in the filter directory of the maven-resources-plugin. Do not downgrade to 3.1.0, just add the extension name in nonFilteredFileExtension.
Automatic Property Expansion Using Maven
0D.12.Data Can Be Selected, But Wings Cannot
Wings is timezone sensitive and generally requires jvm and mysql to be in the same timezone, mainly because, flywave's version management and journal's delete_dt time use datetime, which can quickly find the time difference problem.
Warlock automatically checks the timezone between jvm, jdbc and mysql at startup, and prints an error to console if they do not match.
For more information, see Time and Time Zone
0D.13.How To Flywave The Internal Mysql
It is recommended to run and monitor the script manually with double check. So use ssh Tunnel to do the port forwarding.
ssh -N -L 3336: [USER]@[SERVER_IP]
Tells SSH not to execute a remote command.-L
3336: local-port, remote-ip, remote-port
0D.14.Swagger's Problem
After version 210, replacing SpringFox with SpringDoc, using swagger 3.0, some problems no longer exist.
😱 Could not render n, see the console.
It is swagger front-end js error, may be the response object level is too deep, resulting in swagger scan time is too long.
Unable to find a model that matches key ...
- ModelKey{qualifiedModelName=ModelName{namespace='java.time', name='Instant'}
- ModelKey{qualifiedModelName=ModelName{namespace='java.time', name='LocalDateTime'}
springbok swagger 3.0.0 has bugs that will be fixed in 3.0.1. https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/3452
Wings can automatically inject the exposed AlternateTypeRule bean into the docket.
0D.15.ClassCastException or Enum Comparison Failure During Deserialization
The deserialization libs involved include, hazelcast, kryo, cache
- Exactly the same class, but throwing ClassCastException on deserialization
- The hash and equals of the same Enum are different, causing the compare or map to fail
Most likely, the project uses spring-boot-devtools during development, which causes the IDE and jar to be in different classloader. The IDE uses restart
of devtools, while the non-IDE jar is base
- Option 1, always use
in wings to configure hazelcast - Option 2, expose your own Config or ClientConfig, and set up a classloader
- Option 3, configure spring-devtools.properties (not recommended)
not recommended in the product environment using devtool, refer to the springboot official documentation Known Limitations using.devtools.restart.limitations)
0D.16.OutOfMemoryError/CallerNotMemberException in Hazelcast
If memory is low, hazelcast will throw OutOfMemoryError and then the cluster will reject the instance with CallerNotMemberException.
Usually the concurrency level is not more than 10,000, allocating 2-4G for instance jvm and reserving a physical memory free for 1 instance in the host can be suitable for most scenarios.
For this reason, we recommend that you plan to use only 60% of available memory, with 40% headroom to handle member failure or shutdown.
- https://hazelcast.com/blog/how-much-memory-do-i-need-for-my-data/
- https://docs.hazelcast.com/hazelcast/5.1/configuration/understanding-configuration
0D.17.Table doesn't exist
When Creating Table
Error message Error Code: 1146. table xxx doesn't exist
. This is a contradiction, creating a table just because it does not exist, why won't it allow me to create it.
This is related to the case-sensitive file system, wings Sql style recommends all lowercase, snake_case. In addition, it is also recommended to add lower_case_table_names=1
to the mysqld configuration
0D.18.How to Unpack the Springboot Jar
The boot.jar generated by executable=true cannot be extracted using jar -xzf
, it needs unzip
. It is always recommended to use unzip for compatibility and command line simplicity.
You can't use jar to unzip because spring repacks in the executable zip format.
# show the file list
unzip -l demo-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
# show the content
head demo-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
# . ____ _ __ _ _
# /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
# ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
# \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
# ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
# =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
# :: Spring Boot Startup Script ::
0D.19.Not Eligible for Auto-proxying
is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
There is a loading order for beans in spring, Processor
, framework
and business beans should be separated. If some beans are loaded before the Processor because of dependencies, they will not be processed correctly and may affect the business.
If there is no impact on the business after troubleshooting, then the INFO level Warning can be ignored.
0D.20.Timezone check failed on application startup
- Set the correct timezone according to the alert of the exception
- Make sure the jdbc driver mysql-connector version is not lower than 8.0.23
- Set
if you don't want the check - Just follow the prompts and unify the time zones of jdbc and wings
0D.21.Clean the Log/Tmp Files
# clean log and tmp
find . -name '*.log' -o -name '*.tmp' | xargs rm -f
# clean flattened pom
find . -name '.pom.xml' | xargs rm -f
0D.22.Generics in Json and Deserialization
In spring, the type is described by ResolvableType
and TypeDescriptor
. in Wings, use TypeSugar
to simple code and cache the result.
// Map<List<List<Long[]>>, String>
var c0 = ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(Map.class,
ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(List.class, Long[].class)
var c1 = TypeSugar.resolve(Map.class, List.class, List.class, Long[].class, String.class);
Assertions.assertEquals(c0, c1);
var c2 = TypeDescriptor.map(Map.class,
TypeDescriptor.collection(List.class, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Long[].class))
var c3 = TypeSugar.describe(Map.class, List.class, List.class, Long[].class, String.class);
Assertions.assertEquals(c2, c3);
After Wings-3.2.130, remove TypeReference
of fastjson and jackson, use Type
// tp0,tp1,tp2 http://gafter.blogspot.com/2006/12/super-type-tokens.html
// TypeReference must be a single line to avoid type loss during auto derivation.
Type tp0 = new com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken<List<String>>(){}.getType();
Type tp1 = new com.alibaba.fastjson2.TypeReference<List<String>>() {}.getType();
Type tp2 = new com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<List<String>>() {}.getType();
// spring way
Type tp3 = ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(List.class, String.class).getType();
Type tp4 = TypeDescriptor.collection(List.class, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class)).getResolvableType().getType();
// sugar
Type tp5 = TypeSugar.type(List.class, String.class);
Assertions.assertEquals(tp0, tp1);
Assertions.assertEquals(tp0, tp2);
Assertions.assertEquals(tp0, tp3);
Assertions.assertEquals(tp0, tp4);
Assertions.assertEquals(tp0, tp5);
0D.23.Kotlin May Fail to Compile
- kotlin-maven-plugin, to compile both java and kotlin
- kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 This is the latest stdlib
- maven.compiler.target in the mvn profile takes precedence over pom.xml
- whether JAVA_HOME specifies the correct jdk version
profile is auto active ifsrc/*/kotlin/
is available
0D.24.ApplicationContextHelper's NullPointerException
Silencer's ApplicationContextHelper provides a static Ioc capability with a NPE case,
- Use before
in SpringBoot lifecycle - Used in different classloader, such as devtool's
0D.25.ClassFormatError, IDEA cannot open the project
IDEA does not display the project properly and cannot be opened after closing it, but mvn works fine in the command line. Errors has the following message, upgrade IDEA or avoid its Maven plugin upgrade.
Illegal exception table range in class file
0D.26.Garbled Chars in properties under IDEA
in Preferences
| Editor
| File Encodings
set Default encoding for properties files to UTF8
If it is already UTF8, but some files are still garbled, you can switch to iso8859 and then back to utf8.
0D.27.Compile Fine, but IDEA says: Class not found
You can clear the cache and index of the current project in IDEA, under the File menu
- try Cache Recovery / Rescan or Refresh, if it doesn't work well, then
- Invalidate Caches and Restart, if it still doesn't work, then
- Delete the project, clean up the
and other files, re-import
0D.28.Jooq try-with-resources Warn
Jooq's DSL code is try-with-resources safe. it can safely close the following warning appears in the IDE code check.
Select ignore AutoCloseable returned by this method
to close it by category.
Warning:(62, 18) 'SelectSelectStep<Record2<Long, String>>' used without 'try'-with-resources statement
0D.29.Statement with empty body
If the following warning appears in the IDE code review, you can edit the rule and pick Comments count as content
0D.30.IDEA Inspect Code
Exclude the submodlue content under observer, especially the node content in docs.
Custom Scope WingsCode
, Pattern is set as follows.
0D.31.Lombok Error: cannot find symbol
cannot find symbol symbol: method onMethod_() location: @interface lombok.Setter
When a lombok compilation error occurs, you need to follow these steps to troubleshoot it.
- First exclude the IDE influence, and confirm that mvn works well under the console
- Prioritize fixing non-lombok compilation errors
- Prioritize fixing errors in statically written code
0D.32.maven Error: Non-resolvable parent POM
FATAL Non-resolvable parent POM for com.x.xx:xxx:${revision}: Could not find artifact pro.fessional:wings:pom: and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
The above error is usually in the first installation, the reason is the repository can't find the wings pom, try the following,
- If the repo exists, set the localRepository in $MVN_HOME/conf/settings.xml to it
- set ossrh-snapshots for wings in the current pom. non-latest wings
maven install
wings project to local, use latest wings
0D.33.jackson Unrecognized field
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field class ..., not marked as ignorable 2 known properties:
The wings jackson config is as follows, mapper affects case, and deserialization affects errors.
- mapper.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES=false (default false)
- deserialization.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES=false (default true)
When the above is (false, true)
(by default), the Unrecognized field will appear, resolved by,
on Class@JsonProperty("Amount")
on Field- change wings config (not recommended), CASE_INSENSITIVE has additional performance overhead, delays detection of naming problems
- build and config new Mapper based on Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder
java: unknown enum constant javax.annotation.meta.When.MAYBE reason: class file for javax.annotation.meta.When not found
is from com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:3.0.2
, is used by org.springframework.lang.Nullable
, NOT by wings.
when using @Nullable
and NxxNull
, MUST be from org.jetbrains.annotations
0D.35.StackOverflowError endless loop
or 403
forward to the “secured” login page may cause the endless loop. wings by default,
- disable anonymouswings.enabled.warlock.sec-check-url
- check url conflict
0D.36.SpringMvc Interception Difference
- on servlet (a)Aop
- on methods (b)HandlerInterceptor
- on@Controller
- defines@Component
- only on@RequestBody
- only on@ResponseBody
things to be care of,
- (a) EOF error if read InputStream
- (b) directly read the parameter to avoid the EOF error
- (c) no EOF error
0D.37. Show/Hide the Exception StackTrace
Some exceptions don't require a stack, such as user input errors, which only return a hint message. Some exceptions need to be logged for investigation or statistics. So how do you fine-tune these cases?
- CodeException - whether to populate the stack (no stack by default)
- Global property
- Thread level
- business level
- Global property
- DefaultExceptionResolver - the following defaults dont log the stack
- HttpStatusException
- TerminalContextException
- CodeException
- DataResult
- AuthenticationException
- AccessDeniedException
If you need to fine-tune the above stack configuration, you can customize DefaultExceptionResolver.Handler
0D.38.Missing DAO, "Skipping DAO generation"
After jooq generates the code, there is no Dao
, but has Pojo
and Skipping DAO generation
in the log. Need to check the table structure, whether no primary key, the related logs and code as follows,
// JavaGenerator -- Skipping DAO generation
UniqueKeyDefinition key = table.getPrimaryKey();
if (key == null) {
log.info("Skipping DAO generation", out.file().getName());
0D.39.@Transactional on interface or impl
Official Doc suggest on concrete class, Wings suggest on both, on interface for contract, on impl for functional implementation.
If there are default
methods in the interface, @Transactional
may fail for the same reason as an internal call. At this point.
all methods, put@Transactional
on the class- Programmatic transaction, e.g.
0D.40.git submodule HEAD detached
Project checkout the main branch in shallow by default, and the submodule's commit is detached.
When the commit is on the main branch, such as docs, fetch origin
can retrieve the branch.
git status
#> HEAD detached at c30360b
#> nothing to commit, working tree clean
git fetch origin
git checkout main
#> Switched to branch 'main'
#> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
When the commit is on the develop branch, such as mirana, needs to switch branch, but git fetch --all
does NOT retrieve it.
## branch = main shallow = true
git branch -r
#> origin/HEAD -> origin/main
#> origin/main
## fetch --all # NOT work, only main
# git fetch --all -v
#> From github.com:trydofor/professional-mirana
#> = [up to date] main -> origin/main
## check remote branch
git ls-remote -h origin
#> 4468526dab9 refs/heads/develop
#> 96d19eb57d3 refs/heads/main
## check fetch setting
git config --get-all remote.origin.fetch
#> +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main
git remote set-branches origin '*'
## fetch and checkout
git fetch origin -av
git checkout -t origin/develop
## deinit mirana submodule
#git submodule deinit -f -- observe/mirana
## reinit mirana submodule
#git submodule update --remote --init -- observe/mirana
0D.41.Fast and graceful shutdown
wings threadpool has the following default config, which will wait for tasks (running or in queue) to complete or timeout,
- shutdown.await-termination=true
- shutdown.await-termination-period=###
if no need to wait, see the following, listen shutdown to cancel the queued tasks,
- spring
- cancel, will misfire - tiny mail - cancel, check misfire
- tiny task - cancel, check misfire
when await-termination=false, threadpool set interrupt to all threads,
- running task, complete or interrupted (if has sleep, wait, join or check interruption)
- queued task, passively lost, or actively canceled.
so, when handling async/future tasks, interrupt, cancel and shutdown need to be considered,
- Tolerant of loss, await-termination=false
- Recoverable, await-termination=true, actively interrupt or cancel