0I.I18n Message
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0I.I18n Message
As *.properties
, Wings enhances the default messages.properties with a separated configuration.
0I.1.Matching Rule
rules of matching i18n language are lang_region
> lang
> default
Message \ lang_region | zh_CN | zh_TW | en_US | zh |
message.properties | N | N | Y | N |
message_zh.properties | Y | N | N | Y |
message_zh_TW.properties | N | Y | N | N |
0I.2.Builtin Message
# find wings-i18n path
find . -type d -name 'wings-i18n'| egrep -v -E 'target/|test/'
2a.AuthnErrorEnum slardar-webmvc
authn error of spring security.
- error.authn.onlySupports
- error.authn.badCredentials
- error.authn.locked
- error.authn.disabled
- error.authn.expired
- error.authn.credentialsExpired
- error.authn.failureWaiting
2b.CommonErrorEnum warlock
common error, eg. assert.
- error.common.assert.empty
- error.common.assert.format
- error.common.assert.notfound
- error.common.assert.existed
- error.common.assert.state
- error.common.assert.param
- error.common.data.notfound
- error.common.data.existed
- error.common.message.unreadable